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Travel Chums
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Travel Chums

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Please note that all promotional material on the App Store, Chums website and social media accounts were produced by Chums themselves and are not work of

The client for this project was the Travel Chums, a startup looking to create a travel social app. The premise of the app is that it can be used by people travelling to meet and chat with other people travelling in the same location as them.

Screenshots of the Chums app at release

Development Process

As the idea for the app was still in early stages, the client was happy for us to give us a less detailed brief and allow us to be more creative in our design. We structured the project as two stages:

  • MVP - Creating a basic working prototype of the app for beta testing
  • Creating a publishable app based on the feedback from the MVP
  • Working on the MVP

    The MVP (minimal viable product) was planned to take no more than 3 weeks. A more stripped-down brief of the app was made, including the core features needed to test the app. Some of these included:

  • Login, onboarding and profile creating
  • An explore page to find other users
  • A 'Chums' page to see your friends
  • Chat feature - the ability to have 1-1 conservations with your friends
  • Settings page
  • Push notifications
  • All the features were finished and ready to be tested by the clients beta testing group.

    Publishing the app

    This stage of the project is still on going, check in soon for updates.